neighborhood: n.1.邻近,接近;附近;周围。2.四邻,街坊;街道,地区;聚居区。3.近邻的人们。4.邻居关系,邻人的情谊,和睦善邻〔通例 good neighborhood〕。5.【数学】邻域。短语和例子The neighborhood of the railway is a drawback. 靠近铁路是个缺点。 in the neighborhood of 1. 在…的附近。 2.
In the same time we also use it to test the power of dc crossover . in this algorithm every element in the population a domination count is defined together with a neighborhood density measure based on a sharing function . those two parameters are then non - linear combined in order to define the individual ' s fitness 算法通过计算种群中pareto优于某个个体的个体数目以及个体所在位置的密集度来定义适应度函数,多个算例的测试结果表明该算法结合错位交叉算子具有较好的性能,能够使算法收敛到pareto概念下的比较均匀的一组非劣最优解。